Professional Growth
The Intensive Interagency Coordinator facilitates interagency problem-solving teams in the Allegheny Intermediate Unit school districts and charter schools to assist in the design and delivery of coordinated services to individual school-age children and adolescents and their families.
Who is eligible to receive AIU intensive interagency coordination services?
- Students with disabilities whose school districts have determined that they cannot be appropriately educated in a public school setting and who have waited more than 30 days for an appropriate educational placement
- Students who are at substantial risk of waiting more than 30 days for an appropriate educational placement
We also often work with districts to meet the needs of students with disabilities in public educational settings.
Intensive Interagency Coordination does not replace the school districts' local interagency process that successfully assures the provision of appropriate placement for the students they serve.
All disputes about the appropriateness of the student's program or placement must be resolved through mediation and/or due process hearing procedures.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires school districts to file a report within five days of initial identification of the students and must continuously update the reports until an appropriate placement is provided.
Additional Resources:
Intensive Interagency Basic Education Circular
School districts must also report students with disabilities who are placed for instruction conducted in the home or who receive homebound instruction in accordance with Instruction Conducted in the Home.
To request a consultation with the AIU Intensive Interagency Coordinator regarding a student, contact:
Dr. Leanna Lawson
Marisa Esposto
Training Opportunities:
You can find our training opportunities held at the AIU listed under in the Act 48 Workshops.