Virtual Instructional Services
Effective online instructors need training and ongoing professional development to enhance their online teaching skills. Customized professional development is available on a wide range of relevant topics including: facilitation of eLearning courses, eLearning pedagogy, online course development for various platforms, 21st century teaching and learning, and integrating eLearning with a face-to-face environment.
In addition to the virtual facilitator professional development sessions, there are sessions designed for administrators: Effective Virtual Teacher Evaluations and How to Create an Innovative Blended Learning Environment.
Please contact Waterfront Learning for prices and availability.
Waterfront Learning offers each district liaison the opportunity to participate in cohort meetings with other liaisons and ongoing professional development. Multiple professional development series, aimed at educating individual focus groups like teachers, administrators and support staff are offered so that Waterfront Learning can grow districts’ internal capacities for supporting online learning on a customized, district by district basis.
For more information, please visit our website at or contact us at or 412-394-4996.