Behavior Support

We design professional development experiences that address all aspects of social, emotional and behavioral well-being.

How we can help:

We can provide training and technical assistance in areas surrounding:

  • Implementation of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SWPBIS) Framework
    • Including: Universal, Secondary and Tertiary Supports
  • Effective Classroom Management
    • Small/Large Group Presentation
    • Customized Individual Support
  • Functional Behavior Assessments and Positive Behavior Support Plans
  • Individual Student Consults
  • Sessions tailored to support your school or district needs

Contact our AIU Behavior Training and Consultation Coordinators:

Shanna Bradfield

Christina Frazier

Dr. Jacob Minsinger

Dr. Crystal Vogtsberger

Training Opportunities:

You can find our training opportunities held at the AIU listed under in the Act 48 Workshops.

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