Evaluation, Grants & Data

AIU's Evaluation, Grants and Data department helps educators leverage strengths to develop, build, implement, track and evaluate dynamic educational programs, attract dollars to support those programs, and align strategies and utilize technology-based data tools to improve the efficiency of those programs.

Program Evaluation

Our program evaluation specialists work with organizations and their stakeholders to analyze programs, design and conduct program evaluations, and prepare final reports, both for required reporting and also as a method of program improvement.

Grant Development

Our grant specialists facilitate the grant development process from research and data collection to preparing and reviewing the proposal through program evaluation. We also offer a variety of grant training options for those interested in pursuing grants for their organization.

To join our free AIU Grant Network for Pennsylvania education entities and receive email announcements of grant opportunities, please complete our AIU Grant Network sign-up form.

Data Collection & Management

Our data specialists and software designers will develop data systems and tools customized to meet unique and specialized needs for data collection, management and analysis.


How do you share data about your program? Have you been thinking about how to promote your program’s success to your stakeholders?

Infographics are a great way to make data accessible to your audiences. The Evaluation, Grants, and Data team creates customized infographics for programs to share information and data.

Infographics may be whole-page, stand-alone instruments like those below, or they may be individual data points for PowerPoint presentations or reports.

See this example of a whole-page infographic:


For more information about Evaluation, Grants and Data, please contact Sheila Bell at 412-394-5821.

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