AIU Mission, Vision, Strategic Plan

At the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, the AIU’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team determined that a new strategic plan was needed to continue the organization’s growth and its tradition of providing premier educational services. The administration developed an internal facilitation process and identified key stakeholder groups that would collaborate to create a comprehensive plan.

In early 2021, the AIU invited 1,980 internal and external stakeholders to provide feedback on several key strategic concepts embedded within the plan. This feedback was incorporated into new mission, vision, and belief statements. The committee also developed strategic goals and objectives that will guide the organization’s activities over the next five years.

Our Mission

We are an educational community that advocates and advances equitable opportunities for every learner.

Our Vision

Through equitable access, all learners achieve their full potential.

Strategic Plan

The final strategic plan was approved by the AIU’s Board of Directors on June 28, 2021, and has become an important foundational document for the agency. The plan provides a transparent overview of where the organization is going as well as direction for board members, employees, and external stakeholders.

For your convenience, the AIU created two versions of the document:

  • Two-page - Concisely describes the AIU's mission, vision and strategic goals
  • 12-page - Full version, complete with five-year goals and strategic objectives
  • AIU Strategic Goals Report - An easy-to-read format

For an ADA compliant version of these documents, please contact

Strategic Plan Front Cover
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