Pennsylvania Career Readiness State Training Evaluation & Reporting

  • Welcome to the evaluation and data collection page for the PA Career Readiness State Training initiative.  Contracted regional lead IUs are required to report information on their implementation of career readiness state training plan as part of their contract wit the AIU to serve as a regional lead IU.  Other IUs that are collaborating with the regional lead may also use this page to access and report information on related activities.

    Reporting on Trainings

    Regional lead IUs and their partners are responsible for providing training to LEAs on career education/readiness AND Teacher in the Workplace using the PDE provided model.  Following these trainings, IUs must report training data and submit copies of sign-in sheets or digital rosters for evaluation. 

    Submit your Training Schedule/Calendar [via Dropbox]  All Regional Lead IUs need to submit their training schedule or calendar.  Your file name must include your IU name and number, your PREP region number, AND the timeperiod covered by the training schedule or calendar.  You do not need a Dropbox account to upload your file(s).  Enter your email address to receive a confirmation of file upload.

    Career Education Training Sign-in Sheet Template [MS Word]  NOTE: You may use your own sign-in sheet template; however, all of the following information must be reported for attendees: name, position or title, LEA, email address, documentation of attendance.

    Submit your training data - Training details and information is to be submitted within 10 working days of the session.

    IMPORTANT:  The AIU Evaluation Team will conduct a survey of training participants.  A summary of training evaluation results for your training(s) will be provided to the regional lead IU.  Please do not conduct your own post-training survey.


    Reporting on Technical Assistance

    Regional lead IUs are responsible for tracking and reporting the frequency, type, and recipients or technical assistance related to the PA Career Readiness State Training Initiative.  Additional details on this tracking and reporting will be available soon.



    Leslie McConnell

    412.394.5821 or


    Yolanda Yugar

    412.394.5939 or